Hats off to you for finally flexing your green thumb and deciding to grow cannabis indoors. But before you undertake this fruitful task, it is essential to know the challenges that your new hobby entails. There is a lot of information on this topic, in this article I have listed out the main tips and advice you will need to grow marijuana indoors.
Each point is easy to understand for a beginner grower, so let’s get started.
Create Cannabis Grow Room:
This is the first and crucial step, space doesn’t need to be a growing “room,” it can be a closet or tent, you will have to tailor your plants to grow and fit in the space that you have designated for them.
When you go about your first batch, you have to start small because of the following reasons:
- Smaller the growth, less expensive the setup
- Easier to monitor few plants than a large number
- The cost of your mistakes, on the first growth, won’t be very costly
As a beginner, it is important to remember that you may incur setbacks and lose a plant, or two, to diseases and pests. It is better that you have a failed growth of two to three plants than a failed growth of fifteen plants; the damage to your wallet will be less, as well.
When you are designating and designing the space for your plants, you have to consider the equipment too. The lights, raw material, fans, ducting and area for you to work. Cannabis plants tend to double in size at the flowering stage, so make sure you have enough headspace as well.
The spaces that you have allotted to your plants have to be clean and easily sanitized. Cleanliness is essential when you grow any plant indoors; avoid carpeting the area, as it’s difficult to clean.
Another vital point to remember is that you have to keep your space light-tight, that is, you have to avoid any natural light from leaking in and confusing the plants. If any light leaks in at the flowering stage of the plant, it will end up producing male flowers.
Other variables that you will have to keep in mind when setting up your space are:
- Convenience: Monitoring your plants is a must. They have to be checked daily, and if you’re a beginner, then you will have to keep an eye on them several times a day.
- Temperature and humidity: Make sure that your area is not too hot and humid because you will have issues controlling the climate indoors. Choose an area that has ready access to the outdoors and some fresh air, if needed.
- Stealth: Make sure that the space you choose is away from the prying eyes of any nosy neighbors or thieves. Choose a spot where your noisy fans can’t be heard, if you plan on installing any fans.
Choosing Your Cannabis Grow Lights:
Light is one of the most crucial factors that define the quality of the yield and click here to know basic reason behind it. So, it’s a good idea to invest in a functional and quality light source. Listed below are some of the common cannabis lights that are used for indoor cultivation:
HID grow lights:
High-Intensity Discharge lights are industry standard and are used because of the efficient output, and consistent value. They are a bit more expensive than incandescent or fluorescent fixtures. However, for the amount of light it produces and electricity it uses up (which is not much), it’s entirely worth it.
The two types of HID lights are:
Metal Halide (MH): it produces a white light that has a slight blue tinge and is used for vegetative growth
High-Pressure Sodium (HPS): The light generated here is of reddish orange color. They are used during the flowering stage.
LED grow lights:
Since the 2010s LED technology has taken the world by storm and has now been adapted for efficient light fixtures for indoor cultivation. Many cultivators hesitate to invest in LED light fixtures because of the cost. If you want an installation that is well designed, it can cost you so much more than a standard HID setup. However, the value is a mild hindrance to the output the lights produce. LEDs last you longer, use less electricity, don’t heat up much; a good design will also give out full light spectrum, this will lead to good quality yields.
Providing Your Plants with Air:
Since the growth is indoors, the air supply is limited and recycled. Plants need fresh air to grow, which means that they will need a steady stream of air to live. An exhaust fan that is placed at the top of the room will do an excellent job at removing warm air. It is also a good idea to have a constant light breeze around your growth room to strengthen the stems and leaves of your plants and at the same time create a less hospitable environment for mold and pests.
If you are a beginner, do not be disheartened by failure; it is bound to happen since you are a first-timer. The points that I have listed above are three important tips that you have to keep in mind when starting your little labor of love. So, go ahead and spend some time with your plants; don’t forget to have fun too!